Although there are shared standards of leadership, and new standards emerging at the cutting edge, we always partner clients in creating the best and most ownable model for them, rather than imposing a pre-existing one. The key is to explore and adopt best practices and tailor bespoke leadership behaviours to harmonise with and improve the individual culture of the organisation.
No standard approach to coaching works for everyone. Which is why our executive coaching and mentoring programmes are bespoke. We define clear goals and develop the right coaching methods for each individual. We track progress and discuss changing needs. We also provide ongoing mentoring services in situ to improve performance in real life situations.
Individuals on leadership teams can think too alike. They under-perform because they over-conform. They miss out on the power of exploiting diversity and thinking differently. Our team coaching is about understanding group dynamics and how everyone can work together to achieve goals and optimal performance. To do this a leadership team must be open to changing its own habits, as individuals and as a whole.
Every business is faced with models promising to understand psychological type. Most originate in Jung and can underplay his insight that we are made up of opposites and our individuality is a balance. The ways our different psychological balances inter-react, with some dominant and others not, will define the personality of a leadership team and the wider business culture. Our executive leadership coaching focuses on how psychology drives behaviour and how to manage change.
Coaching is about performance. The principles and behaviours underpinning coaching and leadership exist to enable action. This is what we mean by best practice – joining-up thinking and ideas by asking vital questions, with guidance on best practice as benchmarked by exemplary organisations and individuals. By combining questions and exemplars we coach best practice leadership tailored to the individual, team and organisation.