Footballers build a team


People stay if they feel part of something…so have a huddle!

I used to run big businesses and was very focused, so focused, extremely focused. Razor sharp focus, I think you get the picture, which is focused.

Now that’s all good but I did overlook THE fundamental thing, make time to get to know the person next to you, or down the corridor or on the other end of a phone, web chat or in another country. What do they do, who are they, why do they do it, when is their birthday, what did they do at the weekend.

Social engagement, there I said it! I was rubbish at it… too much narrow vision on the bottom line and process.

People are social animals and work way better with people they know and want to work with, they want to like and be liked. To do that, they need to get to know each other.

Eventually the penny dropped and I made a plan:

1.    Build time into your day to talk personally

2.    Put it on meeting agendas and ‘getting to know you time’ was actively encouraged as part of the culture.

3.    Remember: a team is people – not roles and robots

It was better, healthier and happier for all, and more profitable in so many ways.